Especially for Start-ups
— The WordPress Agency —

WordPress for your startup: convincing Internet presence from the very first minute

WordPress is ideal for startups. Why? The website can easily be updated by yourself, is largely free of charge and offers a variety of design options for startups from any industry. As WordPress agency we support your project with many years of experience and versatile ideas. We offer WordPress programming as well as WordPress design and are at your side in every project phase as your contact person — no matter whether you have already set up a WordPress website yourself or would like to commission us with the conception from the start.

WordPress: the ideal solution for startups

For many startups, the Internet is the most important sales channel - and at the same time an effective way to communicate with the target group. The prerequisites for a successful Internet presence are an attractively designed and well-functioning website, the integration of social media such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as a high recognition value through a corporate design. As a WordPress agency, we offer assistance and creative solutions for all these areas.

Why a good website is important for startups right from the start

  • The first impression counts
  • All information at a glance - for interested parties, investors and potential Business partners
  • Considerably longer range
  • Hardly any running costs
  • Effective marketing

Versatile, flexible and cost-effective: WordPress websites

A big advantage of WordPress for startups is its versatility. The open source software offers a multitude of ready-made designs (templates) and plug-ins (system extensions), which make it possible to build websites cost-effectively and still of high quality. If you attach importance to a very individualized appearance, we can - in the course of the WordPress-programming - design your website from scratch according to your ideas. Thus we cover the entire range of possibilities for WordPress. But no matter how complex and varied the functions of your website may be later: The admin area, which you use to manage and maintain the website, always remains simple and clearly structured. In order to publish texts, pictures, own pages and contributions, no programming knowledge is required.

WordPress for your startup: We are the experts

WordPress programming and design are our passion. We work with the software on a daily basis and are constantly improving our skills. As a professional WordPress-agency we attach great importance to sustainable solutions that will inspire you, convince your target group and positively influence your Google ranking. We have many years of experience with WordPress design and programming. We are a well-rehearsed team and have already realized countless projects as a WordPress agency together. Startups who would like to use WordPress for their website benefit from fair prices and detailed advice. We also started as a WordPress startup. Therefore it is important to us to support young entrepreneurs and to enable them to have a professional internet presence from the very beginning.

Frontend GmbH: Ihre professionelle Wordpress-Agentur

Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, um Ihre Ideen zu diskutieren, unverbindliche Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen oder ein Angebot für Ihr Projekt zu erhalten. Wir freuen uns darauf, als WordPress-Agentur Ihr Startup kompetent begleiten zu dürfen!

In Berlin.
In the centre.
In Prenzlberg.


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